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RWD - Responsive Web Design
In 2010, Ethan Marcotte proposed the term "Responsive Web Design" responsive website.
The flexible design does not make any assumptions about the width of the browser window and can adapt to devices with portrait and landscape modes. Design the best viewing experience to make it more flexible media devices.

The desktop version is not easy to view and use on mobile devices, not for mobile devices. Requiring the user to zoom out or zoom in to read the content would make the user feel that this is a frustrating experience and give up the site.
The version for mobile devices should be readable and ready to use. In the United States, 94% of smartphone users search for local information on their phones.
Google publicly says that if you're ready to build a mobile-friendly site, choose responsive web design!
All MEGAWEB customers' websites are ahead of their peers, all of them are RWD responsive websites.
Reference:Ethan Marcotte Google developer
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